Wednesday, March 18, 2009

SIFAS Orchestra

The orchestra was a unique experience altogether. The ‘Sapta tala Ragamalika’ was well rendered by the singers and ably accompanied by the gurus of SIFAS. Mrs Sonali’s melodious ‘Desh’ added taste to this composition which I would call ‘VIBGYOR’ in the evening sky. – Mrs.K.V.Godha

The SIFAS Orchestra offered very creative pieces that were ear-pleasing! The interpretations were also innovative. I liked the Bharathiyar Ragamalika the best. Overall, a great show! –Mr. SriGanesh

Sathiabhavani (Bharatanatyam)

Sathiabhavani presented a captivating performance tonight, together with her accompanists. The shabdam exhibited a mix of good abhinaya and eye movement. The varnam was enthralling, filled with varied expressions and neat adavus. –Shivani Rajaraman
Sathiabhavani’s dance was confident and she executed her bhava in an interactive manner especially in the varnam. She had a good sense of rhythm, and the items were very lively. – Mrs. Ranjani Rangan


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